
Оздоровительные процедуры в тибетском центре здоровья RINCHENLING

Tibetan oil massage

Tibetan oil massage not only relieves pain, swelling, adhesions, normalizes the functions of organs and systems, but also accelerates the regenerative process of injured tissues, restores muscle tone, improves the performance of the musculoskeletal system, strengthens the joint and ligamentous apparatus, providing a restorative effect on the body. Depending on the duration of exposure and the applied force, classical massage can be both relaxing and tonic in nature.

Tibetan oil massage is an excellent tool for strengthening health, relaxing the body, raising the overall level of the functional state of the body, and preventing diseases. During the Tibetan massage the breakdown products, toxins and wastes are excreted, fats are laminates, the skin smoother, becoming more elastic and reduces the appearance of cellulite.