Stone therapy
Stone therapy— one of the methods of lithotherapy-is a special massage technique with reflexology and thermotherapy elements using natural stones of different energy.
Stone massage promotes deep relaxation, harmonization of the internal state, and the production of endorphins.
Stone therapy helps:
- reduce muscle pains
- strengthen the body's respiratory and immune systems
- stabilize the hormonal background
- improve blood circulation
- perform lymphatic drainage, remove toxins, slags and excess fluid from the body
- give a boost to the metabolism process
- rid the body of fat deposits
- to normalize microcirculation in the tissues
- to restore the elasticity of the skin
- to avoid cellulite
- smooth out wrinkles by deeply relaxing the muscles
- regulate the work of the autonomic nervous system
- overcome mental and physical overloads, stresses, depression, chronic fatigue, anxiety
- improve your health and improve your vitality
- to suppress headaches
- to get rid of insomnia